Search Engine Submission - AddMe rtikel dan File Sharing: Download Portable Anti Crash_3.6.1 rtikel dan File Sharing: Download Portable Anti Crash_3.6.1 DYTOSHARE

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Download Portable Anti Crash_3.6.1

Temen- temen fadewae... maap neh seminggu ini sepi nda ada update baru... padahal banyak yang minta software - software baru.. Kaya kemaren mas Ahmad di Solo minta software repair windows yang sering hank.. nah, ni fadewae kasih software AntiCrash. Software ini tu software yang bisa mencegah dan memperbaiki sampai dengan 95,8% diakibatkan oleh crash, kesalahan sisterm,layar biru, Hang. AntiCrash secara otomatis akan memperbaikinya sampai tuntas. Nah, ini tak kasih info dari situs resminya... Tapi pake english... wkwkwkwk

New! AntiCrash now also includes a unique technology, AutoRepair™. With AutoRepair™, scan & repair all your computer problems with a single click - AutoRepair™ automatically determines what is wrong on your computer with an advanced Artificial Intelligence system, and fixes it instantly!

# Total Protection from crashes and freezes
AntiCrash protects your computer like no other software can. Not only AntiCrash protects you against 95.8% crashes, but it also automatically fixes the crashes; you don't have to do anything, AntiCrash does all the work for you! AntiCrash is also the only software capable of intercepting blue screens and freezes.

# AutoRepair technology included
With AutoRepair, using dozens of separate tools to scan your computer is now forgotten. AutoRepair can find and repair thousands of thousands of problems, with its built-in advanced Artificial Intelligence - all automatically!

# Anti-boot system for Yahoo Messenger
Because sometimes hackers can be just as dangerous as crashes, AntiCrash introduces BootSafe, your ticket for boot-free chatting with Yahoo. If a malicious user tries to boot you, BootSafe intercepts it and deactivates the attempt. You can even configure AntiCrash to ignore certain User IDs!

# Files protected from corruption
Sometimes, a crash can corrupt your data. Not with AntiCrash, and its built-in safeguard Lifebelt. Lifebelt will automatically backup a copy of all open files if a crash occurs, making it sure for you to always recover all the files you were working on.

# Easy to use
In addition to revolutionary technologies and near-to-perfect performance, AntiCrash features a state-of-art interface, extremely easy to use. Our interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Most of the time, you don't have to do anything at all, since AntiCrash

Posted on 15.24 by Admin-fadewae and filed under , , , , , | 6 Comments »

6 komentar:

Dyto mengatakan... @ 20 April 2010 pukul 16.30

Nah,,, gtiu donk,,, Kalo minggu ini ga ada update juga,,, hampir Q hapus backlinknya di

Admin-fadewae mengatakan... @ 21 April 2010 pukul 12.40

Sombonk banget lu!!!

Aswar mengatakan... @ 28 April 2010 pukul 13.17

thnks ifonya mas !!

Anonim mengatakan... @ 4 Mei 2010 pukul 23.35

salam kenalku ,,,,,semuanya.

Anonim mengatakan... @ 4 Mei 2010 pukul 23.36

mantap.....thank softwarenya

Admin-fadewae mengatakan... @ 10 Juli 2010 pukul 15.07

terima kasih atas suportnya...

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